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Daftar berikut adalah daftar Akomodasi/Hotel/Penginapan yang tersedia di Kota Sabang yang saya ambil langsung dari situs sabangkota.go.id, bila Anda ingin mengetahui update terbarunya silahkan menuju sumber yang saya cantumkan dibawah :
Wisma Mentari
At ferry terminal, Balohan. Ph: 0852 329992. 6 rooms. Fan, outside bath: Rp. 90.000. Aircon: Rp. 180.000,-
Penginapan Seulanga (SMK Sabang)
6 rooms with fan 1 Aircon, Ph. 085260284366
Pondokan Cot Ba'U
8 rooms. With fan, outside bath: Rp. 70.000. Aircon, outside bath: Rp. 120.000. Aircon, bath, tv: Rp. 150.000. Ph. 085312510200
Sabang Hill
The classical hotel on Sabang Hill with the grand view over Sabang. Tel:0652-21999, acehsabanghill@yahoo.com, www.sabanghill-aceh.com 22 rooms. With aircon, bath: Rp. 400-1.000.000. Suite: Rp. 1.150.000. Incl. breakfast. Discount during weekdays and for longer stays. Meeting room for 30 persons. Karaoke bar.
Keunangan Guest House
Jln. Nyak Adam Kamil No 59 Kota Atas, 5 rooms, Ph. 081263374813
Wisma Zahira
Jl. T. Umar, near waterfront. Tel: 0813 4882 0811. 9 rooms. With aircon, bath, TV: Rp: 250-350.000. Free coffee and tea.
Kartini Home Stay
Jl. T Umar 25. Tel: 0812 6925 510, 0852 27065 5169. 5 rooms. With fan, bath: Rp. 100.000. With aircon, bath: Rp. 200-250.000, incl. breakfast, coffee and tea.
Sabang Guesthouse
Jl. T. Umar 23-25. Tel: 0652-21186. 9 rooms. With aircon, bath, TV: Rp. 325-350.000, incl. breakfast, coffee and tea. WiFi.
Hotel Putra Salju
Jl. T. Umar 16. Tel: 0652-22747. 10 rooms. With aircon, bath, hot water, TV: Rp. 200-450.000. WiFi.
Guesthouse Pantai Kasih
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin 10. Tel: 0652-21066, 081377347444 (Ayie), www.pantaikasih.com, 8 rooms. With fan, bath: Rp. 200-225.000. With aircon, bath, hot water, TV: Rp. 300-350.000, incl. breakfast.
Nagoya Inn
Jl. Cut Meutia 34. Tel: 0652-22311, 0812 699 6068 (Mr. Parlan), www.nagoyainn.com 19 rooms. Aircon, bath, hot water, satellite TV: Rp. 300-500.000, incl. breakfast, coffee and tea. WiFi. Meeting room for 50 persons
Losmen Calok
Jl. Malahayati. Tel: 08526036 2584. calok@gmail.com 8 rooms. With aircon, bath: Rp. 150-225.000.
Losmen Sabang-Merauke
Off Jl. T. Umar. Tel: 0652-21928 12 rooms 1-3 beds. Very basic.
Pulau Jaya Hotel
Jl. T. Umar 21. Tel: 0652-21344. 23 rooms. With fan, outside bath: Rp. 40-85.000. With fan, bath: 125.000. With aircon, bath, TV: Rp. 180.000.
Losmen Kartika
Jl. T. Umar 17-19. Tel: 0652-22168. 14 rooms. With fan, outside bath: Rp. 80.000. With Aircon, bath, TV: Rp. 180.000.
Losmen PUM
Jl. T. Umar 3. Tel: 0652-21148. 13 rooms. Most with fan, outside bath. Some with aircon, bath, TV.
Hotel Holiday
Jl. Perdagangan. Tel: 0652-21131, facebook.com/holidayhs 24rooms. With fan, bath: Rp. 100-200.000. With aircon, bath: Rp. 250-350.000.
Montana Hotel,
Jl. Surapati 20. Tel: 0652-22817, 0852 6177 5831, hotelmontana@ymail.com 20 rooms. With fan, outside bath: Rp. 100.000. Aircon, bath: Rp. 225-500.000. Aircon, bath, 6 beds: Rp. 600.000. Wifi.
Penginapan Pondok Tapak Gajah,
Lingkungan Keramat, Jl. Agus Salim. Near Merbabu graveyard. Tel: 0652-22378, 081269545700, iskandarmuda62@yahoo.com, 12 rooms. With fan, outside bath: Rp. 75.000. Fan, bath: Rp. 125.000. Aircon,bath: Rp. 200.000.
Citra Hotel
Jl.Teuku Umar No 15 Sabang telp 0652-21172 fb. Hotel Citra
Wisma Cempaka Ria
Jln. Raden Saleh No. 5 Kuta Ateuh Sabang, Ph. 081362210867, 081260384168. 12 rooms (9 fan, 3 aircon). With fan, outside bath: Rp. 100.000. Fan, bath, tv: Rp. 120.000. Aircon, bath, tv: Rp. 180.000.
Tien’s Place
Tel: +6285277775212. Fb: Tien’s Place. 2 km beyond the Iboih junction. 4 bungalows with bathroom, Rp.300.000
Pulau Weh Dive Resort
Km Nol Iboih. Tel: +62652 33324999, fax: +62652 2324900. www.wehresort.com
13 rooms, aircon, hot water. Rp. 1.250-1.900.000. WiFi. Restaurant.
Seulako View Cafe & Bungalows
Just along the main road. Ph: 085260920505, Iswardani, seulako.view@gmail.com
fb: Seulako View Cafe & Bungalows. 3 bungalows, fan, private or shared bathroom, Rp. 100-150.000. 3 rooms, fan, shared bath: Rp. 50-70.000. Accept camping. Restaurant. Small shop with essentials and swap books. Parking.
Steffen Sea Sports Home Stay
Tel: +62081360811848. steffenseasports@yahoo.com www.steffen-sea-sports.com,
www.steffenseasports.sumatraecotourism.com, 4 rooms above the dive shop. With fan, bathrooms: Rp. 200.000. One six bed dorm: Rp. 250.000. Has also 3-pin plugs.
Yulia’s Bungalow & Restaurant
Tel: 0821 6856 4383 (Mr. Randi). 18 bungalows. Outside bath: Rp. 60-70.000. Fan and bath: 150-200.000.
Iboih Inn & Restaurant
Tel: 0811841570, 08126991659. iboih.inn@gmail.com, www.iboihinn.com. 16 bungalows. Budget room w bath: Rp. 100.000. With fan, bathroom: Rp. 250.000. W aircon, bath, hot water: Rp. 350.000. Incl. breakfast for nonbudget rooms.
O’Ong Rest. & Bungalows
10 bungalows. Outside bath: Rp. 40-50.000. With bath: Rp. 130-150.000. Price depending on length of stay.
Olala Café & Restaurant
Tel: 085260607311, eka_olala@hotmail.co.uk. 8 bungalows. With fan, outside bath: Rp. 70.000. Fan, bath: Rp 150.000. WiFi.
Mama Mia Restaurant & Bungalows
1 basic budget bungalow.
Fatimah Bungalows
Ph: +62652-3324107. 6 bungalows. With bath: Rp. 120-200.000 depending on season and length of stay.
Iboih Hill Bungalows (Reception in Dolphin Restaurant)
Tel: 081360189132. 7 bungalows, outside bath, fan: Rp. 150.000. Discounts for long stays.
Rp. 150.00/room. Discounts for long stay. Ask for Mr. Ayub at the parking area or ask in Erick’s next door.
Erick’s Green House
Tel: 082167899876. 5 rooms. Some with attached bath, all with kitchenette. Rp. 60-150.000. Discounts for long stay. WiFi.
Fina Bungalow
Just before the gate. Tel: 085262111366. Fb: Fina Bungalow. 10 rooms. With fan, bath: Rp. 150-200.000. Aircon, bath: Rp. 250-350.000. Price depending on season.
Cut Agam Guest house & Coffee Shop
First place when coming down to Iboih. Tel: 081360363480. 4 rooms. Fan, outside bath: Rp. 150-200.000. Discounts for long stay. Pasta restaurant.
Jelita Bungalows
Tel: 0821 6446 8376. 3 rooms. Aircon, bath, TV: Rp. 250.000.
Pele’s Ujung Patek Bungalows
At the Petek Point, 500m south of Iboih. Tel: 085260958990 (adun), 0852 5370 2209 (Wani). doktorkalkyl@gmail.com 2 bungalows. With fan, bath: Rp. 250.000.
Pulau Rubiah
Can only be reached by boat. Ph: 081377411125 (Mr. Samsul), 085277464764 (Mr. Yahya). 8 bungalows. Outside bath: Rp. 100.000. Big two room bungalow with bathroom, kitchen: Rp. 300.000. Restaurant. Call for pick up. From Iboih parking area: Rp. 50.000.
Guest House Obama
Jl. Sabang-Iboh, 1 km beyond Gapang gate. Tel: 0813 6027 2270 (Mrs. Minna). 14 rooms. With aircon, bath: Rp. 200.000, incl. breakfast. Restaurant.
Agha Hideaway
50m above/behind the Naguna restaurant at Gapang gate. Tel: 08527744 2222 (Mustafa), gpg_m@yahoo.com, 1 roomy bungalow, bath: Rp. 150.000 if fan, Rp. 250.000 if aircon. Great view. Good for long stays.
Gapang Resort Former Leguna and Flamboyan resorts
Government owned, to be leased. Tel: 0652-3324564. 21 bungalows with 27 rooms. With fan, bath: Rp. 150.000. aircon, bath: Rp. 250.000. 2 and 3 room aircon bungalows: Rp. 350-400.000. Restaurant not open yet. Meeting room for 200 people.
Dang Dang Na Restaurant & Bungalow
Tel:0852 6041 8854 (Mr. Syukur). 6 bungalows. With fan, bath: Rp. 100.000. With aircon, bath: Rp. 200.000. No booking over phone. Popular.
Lumba Lumba Living and Living Colors
Tel/Fax: 0652-3324133, 0811 682 787. www.lumbalumba.com 7 diver adapted duplex bungalows (11 rooms). With fan, bath, fridge: € 26-30 . In new extension 6 rooms with fan, outside bath: € 12. Fan, bath: € 18. Chephest Bungalows. Tel: 0853 5884 9551. 1 bungalow. With fan, bath: Rp. 100.000, free drinking water.
Vira Bungalow.
Tel: 0852 9747 0446. 6 rooms. With fan, outside bath: Rp. 100.000. For long stay: Rp. 50.000
Jroeh Bungalow,
behind the souvenir shop. Tel: 0852 6060 7416 2 rooms. With fan, bath: Rp. 100 000. With aircon, bath: Rp. 250.000. Free drinking water.
Beringin Bungalow.
Tel: 0852 7780 8024. 5 rooms. Fan, outside bath or with bath: Rp. 100-150.000.
The Pade Dive Resort.
Tel: 0652-33224500, 0652-332400, sabang@thepade.com, www.thepade.com. 13 rooms, aircon, bath, hot water: Rp. 950-1.200.000, incl. breakfast and tax. WiFi.
Freddie’s Santai Sumur Tiga,
Pantai Sumur Tiga, Iemeulee. Tel: 081360255001, santaisumurtiga@yahoo.com.au
www.santai-sabang.com bungalows and 3 family rooms. With fan and bathroom, hot water: Rp. 240-300.000. Complete international restaurant and an ala carte restaurant on the beach. Access to meeting room for 60 persons. Wi-FI. Booking needed.
Casa Nemo,
Pantai Sumur Tiga, Iemeulee. Tel : 081362999942. casanemo@yahoo.com
www.casanemo.com 8 bungalows with fan, bath: Rp. 230-295.000. Complete Indonesiam buffet style restaurant. Booking needed. Wifi.
Jl. K.H. Agus Salim, Ie Meulee. Tel: 085371808274. 5 rooms. Fan, aircon, in– and outside bath: Rp. 100-200.000.
Perdana Beach
Jl. K.H. Agus Salim, Ie Meulee. Tel: 085262071939. 20 rooms with bath, aircon, TV. Rp. 200.000.
The Point Sabang Resort
Jl. K.H. Agus Salim, Ie Meulee. Tel: 0652-22433, 082164835879 (Mr. Chandra), t thepointsabangresort@gmail.com, www.thepoint.sumatraecotourism.com, 39 rooms/bungalows. With aircon, bath, hot water, TV, seaview: Rp. 420.000. Family suite: Rp. 720-850.000. Excl. tax. Incl. Breakfast.
Ujung Kareng Conference Center
Ujung Kareung. Tel: 081360255001. Managed by Freddie’s Santai Sumur Tiga. Fully equipped and serviced. Capacity 60 persons. 6 rooms. Wth fan, bath: Rp. 200.000.
Tuna Paradise Resort
Ujung Kareung. Tel: 081269080080 (Andre), momde_39@yahoo.com 9 bungalows. With fan and bath: Rp. 175.000. With aircon, bath, TV: Rp. 350.000. Big restaurant. Meeting room for 20-30 persons. Small private beach
Rasa Seni Hotel Resort
Anoi Itam. Tel: 0652-7010245, 081396858460, www.rasaseniresort.com 10 rooms. With aircon, bath, hot water: Rp. 450-800.000, incl. tax and incl. breakfast.
Anoi Itam Resort
Anoi Itam, Popular called Thomas Bungalow, Chinese Design, Tel. 082369266557 (Asin) Thomas 081362541234.
Rubiah Tirta Divers
Iboih Beach. Tel/fax: 0652 3324 555, tel: 0852 8841 5820 (Ifan) 081534020050, 08128436308 (Yudi). www.rubiahdivers.com
Lumba Lumba Diving Centre
Gapang Beach. Tel/Fax: 0652 3324133, 0811682787. www.lumbalumba.com
Pulau Weh Dive Resort
Kincir Beach. Tel: 0652 33324999, fax: 0652 2324900. www.pulauwehresort.com
Steffen Sea Sports
Kincir beach. Tel: 081360811848, steffenseasports@yahoo.com, www.steffen-sea-sports.com, www.steffenseasports.sumatraecotourism.com,
The Pade Dive Resort
Tel: 0652-33224500, 0652-332400, sabang@thepade.com, www.thepade.com.
Sumber Info : http://www.sabangkota.go.id/info/info-akomodasihotel/
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